We entered in the building and it was warm inside. A stench filled our nostrils which reeked of sulfur and brimstone. Immediately Tidd notices a secret passage to the south and informs us.
We hear laughter and giggling in the distance and a rumbling sound. The party split up with Philip and Veritas heading down the hallway to the west. Kaylpso, Greytome, and Jonythyn headed to the north towards the sound. I followed behind Tidd after I closed the door.
Tidd opened up a box and it was filled with fish guts. The putrid smell stung my nostrils. I asked Tidd why would someone box up fish guts? He had no answer.
Tidd and I open another crate and saw more guts and kidneys and other strange stuff. We decide to mover further west and notice a gated area. After studying the area I deduced it contained a large beast like a boar.
We continue to explore the area and I opened a bag which was full of bone fragments most of the crushed. Tidd and I decided to head north to meet up with the rest of the party. As I followed behind him out of the corner of my eye I see it. The creature was stalking us, so I called out calmly to Tidd and Grey.

Phillip emerges to the west of me and tells me there are creatures in the cavern. I rush to Phillip’s while warning Tidd who moved further north that there are creature behind him. I saw another creature and chilled it with Mother’s kiss. I tell Phillip that two of the creatures are behind us.

Greytome emerges to cover Tidds rear and speaks in an arcane tongue. A huge hand emerges blocking one of the creatures for passing.
The other creature flies by Greytome striking at him from above. The first attacks misses and Mother’s kiss slowed the attack. The other attack did land striking Greytome as the creature continue heading towards Tidd. I can hear the clanging of spikes bouncing off of Phillip’s shied as he protects both Veritas and I from incoming attack.
Philip steps forward and stares the devils in the eye, one screams in agony saying that the light burns it. The other stays in ground hissing at Philip. Veritas fires two arrows at the devil but both missed. I attempt to hit the devil with Mother’s kiss but it shrugged off her touch.
She appeared and beckon Philip to bow down to her. Philip rebuked her and said he would never bow do to such a vile and evil creature.

I feel a singe next to my hair as I see a firebolt hit the succubus. Philip then commands her to kneel before him. She complies and yells help me my love they are going to kill me.
We surround her, Philip and Veritas pummel her with a vengeance. I pause and asked Philip are we sure we wish to kil this creature? She may have useful information. Philip and I argued for a few seconds and he made it clear that he had no interests is sparing its life. I hit the Succubus with Mother’s Kiss and chills her body.
Captain Revine enter the battle with us but the succubus immediately grabs him by the throat and says “Either back away from me or I will take his souls with me to the pits of hell”. Greytome through his arcane displine breaks the connection and Veritas wastes no time ending her.
Captain Revine came to his senses and was asking what happen and how much time has passed. We explained a month has passed as he explains how the Seer came to the town with a prophecy that scare the townspeople.
- A danger brewed in the dark forest, awakened from years of slumber by the loggers who now ventured there for timber.
- The evil from the woods will first kill loggers
and farmers in the area - Only one will survive the attacks, and that one is the key to defeating the evil.
- Many soldiers will die in the battle with the evil, but none will ever find their bodies.
- Strangers will come to town with intentions of helping against the evil, but those strangers will inadvertently lead to the destruction of Fort Dolor.
The captain said he sent his best mean to investigate and they never returned. The men started having trouble sleep and the seer suggest to the captain and his men see the herbalist to help with the nightmare. That was a mistake.
We head to the barracks and the captain is distraught over the discipline of his men. I asked him where is the seer we need to find her but the captain did not know where she was. The captain then was worried about the front lines and wanted to check on it. I called forth Mother and Father healing spirit to help the men, which seem to keep them from dying but does not completely remove whatever ails them.
I then decide to check the front lines after several of my party member suggest I do so. I took to the sky free in the air I could see the front line soldiers. Four dwarfs with repeating crossbows, four humans with four large sentry mastiffs. A lieutenant name Stimers kept a watchful eye over his men.

I approach them and transform from the mighty eagle to my elvin body. I introduced myself and explain the situation then ask how is the front lines. They explain the are tired but the line is secure and they are low on supplies. I tell them to hold out and I will make sure they get help soon.
I fly back to the party and inform them of my findings. Captain Revine decided to rally the militia and go fortify the front line. He entrust us to complete our mission for the King.
We decide to check every single structure in the fort to ensure it is secure before we branch out and investigate the disturbance to the south. Greytome informs us that succubus was preparing some type of protection from good spell.
The soldiers are still suffering from whatever was done to them. Try as we might we are unable to bring them any peace. We decide to stay the night and hopefully morning can bring us answers with a fresh mind.
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