I sat idly by as I watched them question the hobgoblin. My thoughts were to set the creature free and follow it. Other members of the party simple wish to separate it’s head from its body.
We plotted our next move, half of the party wanted to track down the invaders while the other half wanted to view the bright lights that shine the night before.
Phillip of Taris explain how the bright lights was a called to those of his calling to seek counsel. Greytome chimed in stating that Ser Jaryn may be there and that he may need to be stopped.
I suggested multiple times that we split up and investigate both but was quickly shot down by the others. I get the impression my teammates follow the guidance of safety in numbers.
We decided to track down the hobgoblins and orc and along the way we would investigate where the bright lights originate from. We came across a clearing and saw the fame team of Ser Jaryn.
The broadest smile crept over my face as I saw a brother of the druidic order in the clearing. I meet another warden of the forest. I greeted my brother in the druidic tongue. He responded in kind and introduced himself as Iden Warden of the forest.
I notice a scratch on him and could tell he had the blood of the were creature flowing through his veins. I asked how long had he been touched with the blood. He chuckled and said that I had a very observant eye, he then went on to tell me that he was born that way.
He then proceeded to ask me what was our business here. It took a couple of moments to explain that we were seeking Ser Jaryn and his team and that this was fortunate that we came across them.
Iden then informed me that Ser Jaryn asked to speak with the Ancient Tree and was not to be disturbed. I explained to Iden that Philip of Taris belong to his order and would need to speak with him. I said the rest of us would wait for Philip.
Iden turned his attention to Philip and stated “You must leave your weapon or tie it in a peace knot”.
Philip withdrew his blade and threw it to the ground. A sly grin spread across my face as I thought that was a bit much. One of the fame for chided Philip for the treatment of his blessed blade and offered to let in rest on the wagon.
I turned my attention to the warrior woman who was praying over the grave of the fallen comrade. As I approached I notice the other woman seemed to be infatuated with Tidd of Urst. I mused that maybe she had a liking toward dwarves.
I knelt beside her and quietly listen to her prayer, her prayer was off. It was odd in that it was more like a request to be brought back to life and not one of laying someone to rest. I gave my condolences and offer to pray along side her if she teaches me her prayer. She thanked me but said she would finish and join her. I sat in silence for a few seconds and then excused myself. No doubt something was off, I was going to raise the alarm to the others but sadly it would not happen.
Veritas yelled out “They are not what they appear to be”. In the blink of they eye both the woman and Veritas was upon me. She sought to do me harm while Veritas sought to aid me.
I could hear Tidd burping loudly and would later found out the other woman attempted to poison him. Poison a dwarf? Perhaps they were ignorant in the resilience of dwarves.
Veritas and I tangled with the woman who was deadly with her blade. But she proved no match for Veritas and eventually her true form was revealed briefly.

Fighting was going on all around us and I saw Iden my brother of the forest call forth his allies in the form of boars. They charge head long one even came at me and then changed to Greytome and Tid refusing to attack a Warden of the forest.
Iden seemed confused at the attacks and transformed into his true form.

I cried out in Druidic for Iden to stand down as we were gaining the upper hand on these shape shifters. I also yelled “they are trying to destroy the Ancient tree”. Iden withdrew and called his boars back. I transformed into the mighty bear and capture one of the shapeshifter.
As I did that I notice Greytome killed a boar that was retreating. I can not be sure but I believe he was going to attack me while I was in boar form. He would receive a tongue lashing from me later on that evening.
Philip emerged from the clearing battered and wounded. Iden yelled and said let the Ancient decide your fates. I came out of my bear form and the ground started to shake toppling over half the party. The vines surrounded the shape shifters were ensnared and one was immediately torn asunder.
I dropped to my knees and begged the ancient tree to allow us to question the shapeshifter before it renders its justice. The tree boomed in response “ASK YOUR QUESTION”, the ground shook and I could tell the might of nature inspired awe and fear in my teammates.
I asked the creature “Where is the real Ser Jaryen?”
He begged me “Make it stop, end it quickly.”
I repeated my question.
“The real one is teaching the red armor how to kill your forces”
With that response I bowed my head and thanked the Ancient tree. It tor asunder the remaining shapeshifter.
Iden then said Nature has spoken and a price will be paid.
I recommended to the party that we camp here for the night as it was the safest place. No one disagreed and I proceed to give Greytome a tongue lashing. Iden for the most part held no grudge to Greytome as combat is unpredictable.
We bid Iden farewell and I am so proud of my Warden brother. We continue to track down where the hobgoblin army is located. Eventually we find that somehow they are crossing a raging river and appearing on the other side.
We try to figure out a way across and eventually I transform into the great eagle and take each member over one at a time. For now we are scouting the area and will decide our next course of action.
I feel in my blood that Mother and Father are angry with how nature is being treated and it will only be a matter of time before they unleash their fury.
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