We see a slow march of the walking dead shambling along from the west to the east. The party and I contemplate if we could rest in order to prepare for our next battle.
Rest was not in our cards, Strahd minions still rambled along, and his command over the undead is something to behold. An eerie melody echo through the castle which draws the undead who ignore us as they head to the source of the melody.
We follow the undead and enter a huge temple as a wedding is taking place. Strahd announces that they can now begin since we have arrived. Strahd commands Frost to officiate over the wedding. Frost calls forth his god in a rebuke to Strahd but his prayers go unanswered.
Vornagust filled in the void of silence with a retort that he was waiting from the moment of objection. I stay behind and ready my bow. Frost seemed irritated and call forth the favor of his god and turned the vile creatures. All Mayhem broke lose.
So many vampires descend upon Frost to stop him. Caine, Kreigos, and Vornagust moved to protect him. Ander moved forward while I stayed behind watching the battle proceed.

An Abbot arose from the crowd screaming at Ander’s celestial Deva. Though I could not understand what was being said I gather the two were sworn enemies. I attack the vampire Escher and manage to land two well place shots. Frost immediately was able to finish him off with what I can only describe as an army of undead knights. I fear this realm has a way of warping things.
Cain and Kreigos engage Strahd but are unable to stop his attack on Ezmerelda. Ezmerelda fell by Strahd bite as he drain the life from her. I had enough of this monster and I took my shots.
Three arrows found their mark in his flesh. His arrogance shook them off as he still engage the others. I fired three more shots taking careful aim to hit him in vital spots that would cause the most damage. It is at this point I had his undivided attention.
I have never seen no man nor beast every move that fast. Within the span of six seconds he moved over two hundred feet across the room to engage me in melee combat.
I lost track of the battle around me, my gaze was fixed upon Strahd. He grabbed me with a iron grip and fiercely took a bite out of my flesh. I could feel my strength waning but I knew this would not be the end of me. I still have much work to do and a destiny to fulfill.
Strahd release his grip and took a swipe at me and missed. I reached for my only potion which I was saving for a special occasion. I gulped it down as Strahd took another swipe at me and clawed my flesh. My belly was on fire and my mouth watered as I spit out dragon fire on Strahd. If not for fire coming out of my mouth I would have smiled at the lord of the realm.
Caine came to my aid after dispatching the vampires he had engage. Strahd still moved with such speed and reposition himself using Caine as a shield. The tactic would not work because I knew Caine was agile and would avoid my dragon’s breath. I exhale the flame again striking Strahd. I then withdrew my great sword and engaged him in melee.

Out of the corner of my eye I could see Ander coming to my aid, he was transforming into the great beast. Strahd seem amused and mimic the effect and became a great beast as well. I used my final breath on him, but I know I hit Ander as well (personal note Ander had it coming). Caine and Ander attacked as well, I can only imagine the other party members lended their aid as I notice Strahd could not maintain the form.
Strahd traversed the battlefield again weaving in and out of range of the party. I withdrew the bow and began to take shots at him. I missed several shots and not to sound arrogant but I have a great aim. Strahd had some sort of magical effect preventing my arrows from landing.
I Took a few deep breaths and steady my self for a well placed shot. My arrows hit their mark. Once the second shot hit, Strahd turned into a fine mist and flowed out of the room. The monster is on the run but is not yet defeated. We will hunt him down and bring peace to the realm.
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