The battle was over and Strahd was on the run. We search the entire room as we plotted our next move.
While search the room I found a statue of a cleric kneeling in supplication with his hands up. I called the others over to view it and said I think if we put something in its hands I bet something would happen.
Frost put the crest of the raven in its hands but nothing happened. Vornagast informed us that the statue was magical. Frost decides to hold on to it until we can determine more about it.
Ander asked the Deva if it could detect where the greatest source of evil is concentrated. It led us to an alcove in which we decided to go down. We decided we needed a long rest before we continue on.
I slept through our rest time exhausted from our battle. The effects of Strahd’s bite wore off and I shudder to think what would have happened to a weaker person. I was told that throughout the night there were several encounters. Nothing rose to the level that require my intervention so I was allowed to sleep.
Ander turns into a mouse and squeaks into the crack and disappears from sight. Several minutes later he returns and tells us that we need to find a way to get down there. We decided to tear down the wall using Kreigos pick which took about a hour to do. We time the strikes to the wall with the lighting outside as to mask the sound.
Once a sufficient amount of the wall was removed we continue to head down. We ran into Kasimir who informed us that as we engaged Strahd he used the distraction to head down here to look for his sister. We decided to advance further.
The air became chilled and he appeared Jack Frost, telling us we would not pass. Looks like we have another fight on our hand.

I’m glad to see you’re having as much fun playing as I am running. I’m look forward to hearing about the further adventures of Aslam.
This Curse of Strahd game has been going strong for almost 4 years now!
Good times!