Short Stories

Jail Break

I awaken to voices off in the distance, people were talking about filling out a report. I open my eyes carefully and see Lucius on a bed across from me.

Arthion’s Travel Entry # 200829

We entered in the building and it was warm inside. A stench filled our nostrils which reeked of sulfur and brimstone. Immediately Tidd notices a secret passage to the south and informs us.

Shadow Monks

Byrth pulled Lucius and I into the meeting room and informs us it is time to make our move. He compliments us on our effectiveness and tells us we get to determine who we will…

Arthion’s Travel Entry # 200801

I managed to save up fifteen-hundred gold and had some free time on my hands. I split up with my fellow adventures and decided to pursue natures goal. I spent about ten weeks going across…

The Search for Ser Jaryn

The Party is dispatched to Hawk Post by Lord Prio to search for a missing paladin named Ser Jaryn from the Order of the Silver Chalice along the East Sellen River.

The Fate of Fort Rannick (H-90)

The party depart the capital city of Dagin and are granted permission to enter the King’s Forest (just southeast of Dagin) due to Arthion spending his time and efforts trying to balance the landscape for…

In the Belly of the Rat

“Take a deep breath.” I said softly, “Feel the weight of the crosswbow, hold your breath for 10 seconds.” I was surrounded by four were-rats. How did I get here?