Two Lord Knights of the Order of the Lion intercept the party when they arrive in the capital city of Dagin and demand you follow them to an old abandoned warehouse in an area of the city that is under construction.
The party is surprised to meet up with Lord Prio wearing standard indistinguishable armor and a long cloak trying to remain incognito. Lord Prio tells the party (because you have all proven your loyalty) that he suspects a traitor among the royal hierarchy. Lord Prio goes on a limb, trusting his instincts about you all and mentions that he heavily suspects the King’s sister (Natala Surtova) of plotting against the king.

Lord Prio reveals that the king’s sister (Natala Surtova) is spending a considerable amount of resources keeping tabs on you all, everything from background checks, prior relationships, and contacts you have established in your lives. Lord Prio states that an alliance between House Orlovsky, Garess, and Medvyed could divide the nation, and cut the Surtovas’ travel and supply routes between Port Ice and Dagin. Lord Prio begs the party to trust him and that the right thing must be done in the name of the Dragonscale Throne. That the Dragonscale Throne must be defended and protected, no matter the cost.

Lord Prio mentions that he will personally lead the investigation into Natala Surtova and if something is discovered that he will personally deliver justice to the full extent of the law to any responsible of betrayal. Lord Prio listens to your reports of the activity of the Orc Horde and orders you all to lay low in the city for a few days before requesting to speak with King Marek Surtova to allow him time to come up with a plan. Lord Prio mentions that you should all stay in possession of the Iron Flask of Billaro, because he doesn’t know who he can trust (besides you all).
The party spend two weeks in the capital city of Dagin, resting and handling their personal affairs before their services are requested by Lord Isaac Prio. King Marek Surtova has rewarded you with renown and influence among the factions of Argoth. The thought of Northern Argoth (Issia) fighting a war with little help from Southern Argoth (Rostland) is disconcerting. The Dwarven City of Brunderton has closed its gates to the public and rumors of them fortifying preparing for the worse runs rampant throughout Rostland.
Lord Prio tasked the party to investigate the loss of communication with the Order of the Black Arrows a group of Rangers that occupy Fort Rannick. He explains that they have lost contact with Fort Rannick a few weeks ago and is concerned something very bad might have happened. The last official report they received from Fort Rannick had mentioned an increase of Ogre activity in the area and the Order of the Black Arrow requested permission to gather more intelligence of why that was happening.
Lord Prio demands you remain as discreet as possible, not wanting to cause panic throughout Rostland, as the citizens of Argoth are already on edge due to rumors that the Northern Front (Issia) is losing ground against the Orc Horde. Lord Prio issues you general power of Authority for the Rostland Plains and says to use your best judgment as you have a proven to be loyal subjects of the Dragonscale Throne. Lord Prio hands Ser Phillip the writ and tells the party to visit the royal stables as the Master of the Horse is expecting you and wishes you all a safe travel.
Upon arrival to the royal stable you are greeted by the Master of the Horse and each of you are issued Palfrey riding horses that are bred for stamina but, not intended for warfare but for long riding journeys. You are also issued master crafted leather saddles packs with an extensive amount of valuable gear for travelling.

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