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Happy Post Election! I hope everyone performed their civic duty and voted! Now as the commentaries continue on how about a riddle to break up the news cycle 😉
Happy Post Election! I hope everyone performed their civic duty and voted! Now as the commentaries continue on how about a riddle to break up the news cycle 😉
Trick or Treat or Riddle 🙂 How about a riddle for this Halloween?
Time to work out that brain on this glorious hump day!
Happy Hump Day everyone. My wish is that the week is going well and that the weekend will be even better! Here is a riddle work your mind.
Riddles, riddles, where forth art thou riddles?
Happy Hump Day everyone. Time for a light riddle to stimulate the mind… 🙂
Happy Hump Day everyone! Here is another riddle to help you through the week 🙂
Happy Hump day everyone. I hope the middle of the week is going well seeing that the weekend is on the horizon. So how about a good riddle to exercise your brain!
Happy Hump Day everyone 🙂 As we pass the middle of the week lets exercise our brain so that it can be ready to go for the weekend 😉
On your mark, get set, GO! Solve this week riddle!