Lord Prio secretly assigns the party to investigate the rumors that House Lebeda might be preventing House Surtova from shipping supplies to the capital city of Dagin. Lord Prio grants them the cover of tax representatives to the magistrates office and to report any finding of wrongdoing among the city of Silverhall.
The party investigate the city for intelligence validating the rumors of a supply blockade and discover that Lord Prio has failed to mention that the supplies ordered are from him, but listed under several pseudonyms (so it may not be tracked back to the dragonscale throne).
The party gather enough evidence to prove that House Lebeda is not responsible for the supply blockade, but that an unknown cult has corrupted the local government attempting to delay the supplies (lumber and metal) to the dragonscale throne. The cultist are under the guise of Findeladlara’s (Elven Goddess) annual harvest celebration in the small town of Tinkers Hollow, just a few miles from Silverhall.
The party investigate Tinkers Hallows arriving on the day of the village’s annual harvest celebration. As they take part in the festival, they begin to unravel the truth— the revelation that the majority of the villagers are cultist operating in the village, preparing for a living sacrifice. The party prevent the cultist from summoning the Blightspawn and with the sun’s rise, a new day begins in Tinkers Hollow.

A chorus of cawing ravens rings out over the village as hundreds of crows descend on the harvest feast remnants. (The CROW KING AWAKENS) The birds gorge themselves on the spoiling food, and not a single soul stirs within the village. Shops remain closed, wrapped doors go unanswered, and the ferry does not cross the black river this day. Even before word spreads of the massacre at the Tinkers Hollow, the few innocent people of Tinkers Hollow can feel a difference in the air—their lives have changed forever. Many of the villagers find it difficult to believe that their beloved mayor—had anything but the town’s best interests at heart, and the the party find themselves unwelcome in the town despite the fact they have done the villagers a great service.

The church of Abadar is swift to react. Several missionaries travel to the village and quickly set about the difficult task of repairing the villagers’ faith and the village’s infrastructure, and improvements in town are noticeable. The blight has been banished with the death of the cult, and the villagers’ fate is once again their own. Under the guidance of several helpful priests of Abadar eager to repair the damage several generations of infestation have created, Tinkers Hollow may one day soon grow into a healthy village.
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