The Party is dispatched to Hawk Post by Lord Prio to search for a missing paladin named Ser Jaryn from the Order of the Silver Chalice along the East Sellen River.
The party travel along the East Sellen River and make contact with a cult member from the Fist of Heaven. The party quickly dispatch the cultist and meet with Emesha, a cleric of the Spirit of Abadar. She states that her companions are in service of an order called the Knights of the Hawk (Silver Chalice). The cleric admitted to fighting the Red Claw, a hobgoblin clan in the service of the Fist of Heaven at every turn for the last few months. she claims the Red Claw’s death squads have been targeting isolated settlements for “cleansing”—the folk of the east Sellen River are given the choice of joining the Fist of Heaven or accepting the salvation of death.

The cleric also mentions that their mission was to defend the villages along the East Sellen River, Ser Jaryn and four companions sought to take the battle to the heart of the Fist of Heaven. Red Claw are rumored to be based in a hidden temple along the East Sellen River called The Pillars of Night.

The cleric reports she has lost contact with Ser Jaryn about 3 months ago and placed him deep in the frontier at the head of a trail he called the Black March and has not received further word. Mentions that Ser Jaryn was accompanied by the “Faithful Four of Abadar”—Andressa and Annika, sister-clerics of our order; the fighter Kelma; and Dajani, a tiefling aldori blademaster sworn to Abadar’s cause.

The party attempt to find the Black March (hidden trail used by the cultist of the fist of heaven) hoping to gather more information on Ser Jaryn current location, instead they discover several settlements have been destroyed by Red Claw, with the exception of a hamlet called Erstlin. As the party approach the hamlet a folk hero named Perrin Auldwyl claims that the past month, the banners of the Red Claw have been flying along the East Sellen River. He also Mentions that Red Claw (Hobgoblin Clan) were always after silver and gold, but that’s changed recently. More of their death squads are on the hunt for arms and magic now.

When questioned by the party about Ser jaryn, Perrin claims a caravan of refugees came through three months past on its way to Tarsis and said they met a Knight of the Order of the Hawk heading the other direction. Shared a campsite with him. Said he preached the faith of Abadar. When they woke up, he was gone. But there by the fire was his gear—armor, shield, and all. He took his sword and waterskin and naught else, heading along the East Sellen River.
The party discovers the hamlet is storing weapons gathered by Red Claw for the Fist of Heaven in exchange for the hamlet to be spared destruction. The party decide to observe the hamlet and discover Black Arrow Rangers from within the Gronzi Forest have arrived into the hamlet to sabotage the weapon shipment. The party decide to not make contact with the Black Arrow Rangers and instead wait for the Fist of Heaven to make an appearance. Two nights pass and the party notice a celestial light in the direction near the Shrine of Lament. The Paladin shares that a council of Silver Chalice Knights are gathering to determine charges of unknightly conduct or to honor those who have performed valiantly. The party successfully ambush the Fist of Heaven & Red Claw being able to capture a hobgoblin scout for questioning.

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